Do you want to play Iconic Beethooven’s Fur Elise? The first section of this music is pretty simple but the middle section could be quite challenging. I see many Piano Students make a mistake by playing middle section with robotic sound that builds a lot of tension in their hands which impacts the quality of the sound and slows them down.
Here is a short video from a Piano Lesson working through a Middle section of Fur Elise with one of my Piano students.
Relaxed wrists are very important as well as playing eight notes steady with a different fingers in a left hand repetitive section.
There is a lot of room for interpretation and personal dynamic expression in playing this Iconic Classical Piece by Beethoven. Let your feeling guide you and remember to keep your wrist flexible especially in middle section.

To download free Piano Sheet with
suggested fingering click the link below
Elise by Beethoven Music Sheet